Summer Scheduling: A Hot Idea at Cabana Séguin!

Everyone on the team is stoked about the arrival of summer with its long, hot days and easy living. But also, because every year, we move to our summer work schedule. That means from the beginning of June right through to Labour Day weekend, we work Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 5 pm and Friday, from 9 to noon. Yep, noon! 

Establishing a summer work week is no easy task and opinions on the subject are hotly contested. But at Cabana Séguin, it feels as natural and refreshing as a summer breeze. So, we thought we’d share our thoughts on the benefits of summer scheduling and offer a bit of advice on implementing the practice without anyone getting burned. 


  • Committed team members
    Moving to a summer schedule means every team member has to take greater responsibility for the management of their time. Sure, the first few weeks require a bit of give-and-take, and sometimes unexpected situations arise, causing some employees to work the occasional Friday afternoon. But along with that reality comes a boost in team spirit and productivity, which are both really great to see, especially given the trying nature of these past few months.
  • Better work-life balance
    Extra time worked during the week adds up to more free time later. For us, it’s Friday afternoons—a move unanimously adopted to extend our weekends!
  • A great way to attract and retain team members
    A company that offers summer hours and other benefits is perceived as being a more flexible employer, one that cares about the well-being of its people. Practices like this help generate greater workplace happiness and satisfaction, which in turn builds a stronger employer brand.
  • It’s good for company morale
    Moving to a summer schedule has to be seen as a stimulating group challenge. Productivity, efficiency, organization and optimization of methodologies—everyone has to pull together to ensure the entire team benefits by enjoying more of summer without working longer hours.


As is the case with any change, the move to a summer schedule has to be planned and prepared in advance. Here are a few tips drawn from our experiences over the years: 

  • Determine the schedule that works best for your teams
    The most popular format seems to be adding weekday hours to free up Friday afternoons. But that’s certainly not the only schedule change possible. Speak to your teams to find the option that makes sense according to your particular activities and performance expectations. In the end, the best option will always be the one that ensures employee satisfaction without compromising on high-quality customer service.
  • Be flexible and strategic 
    Offering a number of different scheduling options is proof of your openness. You might even want to consider to complementary combinations of schedules between different departments, which can help reduce the impact of a special schedule while ensuring everyone benefits equally.
  • Rethink your business practices
    Implementing a summer schedule is also a great opportunity to review organizational practices. The goal isn’t to reinvent the wheel, but to improve where you can, and gradually adopt less time-consuming, more efficient practices with better return on your effort.
  • Let your clients and suppliers know
    At Cabana Séguin, we see every subject as an opportunity to create and communicate in an innovative, intelligent way—one that ultimately helps the brand shine—just like we did when we announced our new summer schedule through email and social media channels.

Sold on the benefits of summer schedules?
Speak to others about it and see who else thinks it’s a hot idea!

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