In an ever-changing professional world, the quality of human relations within an organization becomes the true catalyst for its success. Taking care of staff, both on a day-to-day basis and during special events, is a wise investment for any organization concerned with its performance and collective well-being, and generates kindness reciprocity within the team. Let's explore the different facets of this approach and dispel the fears associated with it.

Creating a culture of appreciation and support
A sincere thank you, recognition in front of colleagues... These everyday gestures stimulate motivation and create an environment where everyone feels essential. A study by Forbes shows that staff who feel supported by their company are 17%[1] more productive. These attentions contribute to building a culture of mutual recognition, where each person feels truly valued. At Colpron and Cabana Séguin (C+CS), we cultivate an ecosystem where every team member benefits from personalized support and targeted emulation. All our successes are celebrated with encouragement and congratulations from management, which are passed on to colleague. What's more, when someone is facing difficulties or feeling overwhelmed, management is quick to step in and offer the necessary support, whether it's through a reorganization of tasks, personalized coaching or additional resources. Also, every member of our team has a designated back-up, which takes the pressure off on a day-to-day basis (knowing that there's someone ready to take over can reduce stress for an employee who can take time off or be absent for personal or professional reasons, without worry). This constant attention to everyone's well-being, in good times and bad, reinforces team spirit and trust, creating a workplace where everyone can flourish and feel supported, whatever the circumstances.

The importance of involvement and concrete action
When staff members are actively involved in the life of the company, their commitment becomes natural and sincere, and the positive impact is felt throughout the organization. At C+CS, we actively solicit ideas from our teams and integrate them concretely into our decision-making process. Everyone is invited to take part in internal or corporate outreach projects, and also encouraged to take initiatives on which they will be supported, if necessary. Every suggestion count, whether to optimize operations, identify new prospects or develop innovative projects.

Dispelling cost fears
Contrary to popular belief, establishing a culture of recognition does not necessarily imply major financial investment. Congratulating, listening, recognizing and celebrating as a team - these simple but powerful gestures make a real difference without adding to the budget.

Investing in people generates immediate benefits
Offering ongoing training, the opportunity to participate in a wide range of conferences, and organizing major events such as off-site seminars are strategic investments in human capital that generate spin-offs far beyond their initial cost. At C+CS, we organize an annual off-site strategy session, which strengthens our ties, nurtures motivation and enables the company to grow from within.

“The benefits of this “Lac-à-l'épaule” meeting are instant! The very next day, everyone on the team was buzzing with excitement. Collaboration intensifies, motivation is expressed in increased creative and operational productivity, and concrete initiatives are taken.”
- Mylène Duguay, President

Measuring impact to convince skeptics
To address doubts about the effectiveness of these practices, it is essential to establish clear indicators: job satisfaction, staff retention rates, individual performance. By integrating these measures into regular evaluations, companies can quantify the impact of their initiatives and convince skeptics. Deloitte research shows that organizations with a recognition culture have 31% less staff turnover[2].

Integration into corporate culture
The fear that these practices will disrupt day-to-day operations is legitimate. The solution lies in gradual, thoughtful integration. By encouraging a culture where recognition is a natural part of daily interactions, these gestures become fluid, without adding to the workload. What's more, this practice quickly becomes contagious: once well integrated, every employee becomes a bearer of benevolence and mutual aid, generating incredibly beneficial collaboration and knowledge-sharing, both individually and collectively.

Return on investment in the medium and long term
Investing in people ensures sustainable performance. Engaged teams are more creative, productive and loyal. By offering daily attentions, recognition and special events, companies transform their culture and strengthen their performance. At C+CS, we feel all these positive effects: that's why talent retention is so strong. Many of our team members have been here for years, and people who join us feel a real sense of respect and a culture of well-being from the moment they arrive.

In conclusion, a culture of kindness within a company is a powerful lever for fostering a harmonious and productive working environment. It encourages collaboration, boosts employee motivation and improves general well-being. However, it's crucial to understand that kindness doesn't mean saying yes to everything. Knowing how to say no is just as important for maintaining balance and efficiency within the organization. Refusing a request must be done with respect and clarity, providing constructive explanations that enable everyone to understand the reasons behind the decision. In this way, benevolence is expressed not only through acceptance, but also through the ability to set limits in an empathetic and thoughtful way.

To remember:

1. Importance of human relations: The quality of human relations is essential to an organization's success. Taking care of staff is an investment that promotes collective well-being and performance.

2. A culture of appreciation and support: Simple gestures such as recognition and daily support increase motivation and productivity. An environment where everyone feels valued and supported is crucial (even when mistakes or failures occur).

3. Employee involvement: Encouraging employees' active participation and initiatives in the life of the company strengthens their commitment and drives the company forward.

4. Cost of recognition: Establishing a culture of recognition does not require major financial investment. Simple gestures like praising and listening can make a big difference.

5. Investment in people: Training, strategic events such as conferences strengthen bonds and motivation, and are investments in human capital.

6. Measuring impact: Using clear indicators to measure the impact of recognition practices helps to convince people of their effectiveness.

7. Gradual integration: Gradually integrating recognition into the corporate culture helps to overcome fears of disruption to daily life and fosters a culture of caring and mutual support.

8. Long-term return on investment: Investing in people ensures sustainable performance. Engaged teams are more creative, productive and loyal, which reinforces talent retention and a culture of well-being.

9. Balance is key: A caring corporate culture fosters a positive environment, but knowing how to say no with respect and explanation is essential to maintaining balance and efficiency.

[1] Source : Forbes   [2] Bersin by Deloitte